By AbderRahman N Sobh1; Sarah White1; Jeremy Smith1; Nahil Sobh1; Prashant K Jain1

1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Combines the Discrete Dipole Scattering (DDSCAT) tool with the DDAConvert tool for a single workflow for custom shapes.

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Version 2.1b - published on 01 Mar 2019

doi:10.21981/7DWF-7S84 cite this

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    1.0 out of 5 stars

    Was a great tool, when it was working. Unfortunately, it seems to be choking on the near-field calculation. The system will hang with no clear error message.

    Developers are apparently AWOL. Multiple queries to the developers through the nanoHub ticketing system have gone unanswered.

    It seems as though this tool is dead, or at least not being supported any more. Well, it was fun while it lasted guys!

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    Zhou Zeng

    5.0 out of 5 stars

    Excellent tool. However, there is a mistake in Ellipsoid example simulation. In the .par file, the effective radius should only vary according to the geometry. But I found that it actually varies when number of dipoles changes. Hope this could be modified in future release.

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    1. Prashant K Jain

      Thanks for the feedback. I reviewed the ellipsoidal shape default input. The effective radius listed in the ddscat.par file did not change when the dipole density was changed (e.g. from 1/nm to 2/nm). Could you do us a favor and point us to where you found the discrepancy. We will be sure to review it. I appreciate your time. -PKJ

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    shahid Arshad

    5.0 out of 5 stars

    Excellent tool, good instructions, immediate response on questions

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