AAE 33401 Aerodynamics Lab Purdue AeroAstro

By Sally Bane1; Adarsh Agrawal1

1. Purdue University

This Jupyter notebook is intended for students in Purdue AeroAstro to carry out calculations while conducting physical lab for AAE33401, aerodynamics lab course

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Version 1.0 - published on 19 Apr 2024

doi:10.21981/51W2-8336 cite this

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The School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University offers a Fluid Mechanics Lab to Undergraduate students in Fall and Spring each year. The lab AAE 33401 forms the lab component of its counterpart theory course AAE 33400 taught at AeroAstro. This tool enables the students to run a Jupyter Notebook which forms a lab notebook. The notebook needs to be run during the experiment where they are supposed to record their readings and perform appropriate processing on the data obtained. The coding language used is Python and students can download the notebook and run it on a local computer using Anaconda (or other platform which allows Python script editing and Markdown text edit). Students can save their work online in their personal directory on NanoHUB, where the tool gets to run once they launch it. This work can be accessed either from launching this tool or by accessing the tree from NanoHUB's Jupyter tool.

The interface is seamless and is a one-stop destination for writing appropriate theory, taking data, writing data processing codes (including the production of data). The notebook can then be printed as a pdf which can be turned in for evaluation by the teaching team. 

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Sally Bane, Adarsh Agrawal (2024), "AAE 33401 Aerodynamics Lab Purdue AeroAstro," https://nanohub.org/resources/aae334lab. (DOI: 10.21981/51W2-8336).

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