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The possible use of spin rather than charge as a state variable in devices for processing and storing information has been discussed widely because it could enable low-power operation and might also have applications in quantum computing. However, spin-based experiments and proposals for logic applications typically use spin only as an internal variable, the terminal quantities for each individual logic gate still being charge-based. This requires repeated spin to charge conversion, using extra hardware that offets any possible advantage. Here we propose a spintronic device that uses spin at every stage of its operation: input and output information are represented by the magnetization of nanomagnets which communicate through spin-coherent channels. Based on simulations with an experimentally benchmarked model we argue that the device is both feasible and exhibits the five essential characteristics for logic applications: concatenability, non-linearity, feedback elimination, gain and a complete set of Boolean operations.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Behtash Behinaein (2012), "All-Spin Logic Devices,"

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