Embedding science and technology education into students' lifestyles and technology choices

By Krishna Madhavan

Purdue University

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Learning experiences of the future will be multi-sensory, engage technologies and significant computational power continuously and invisibly, and will be completely engaging. The emergence of highly cross-disciplinary fields like nanoscale science and technology, bioinformatics, and cyberinfrastructure sciences has brought into sharp relief the need to transcend computational, perceptual, and imagination walls in order to educate future generations of students. There have been repeated calls in various national reports for the need to bridge discovery and learning in non-trivial ways. In order to reach the current and future generation of students - the aptly labeled Gen-Z or the digital generation - information technology needs to be at the heart of educational efforts and play more than an add-on role. Simply put, we need to rethink education ground-up.

This talk will focus on how the nanoHUB - the front face of the NSF-funded Network for Computational Nanotechnology - is enabling new advances in the way cutting research is delivered to students. It will include a brief overview of some of the main educational tools. The talk will also explore the need for fundamental research in instruction delivery systems and how on-going work in the nanoHUB is influencing the need for such research.


Dr. Krishna P.C. Madhavan is a Research Scientist with the Rosen Center for Advanced Computing and the NSF-funded Envision Center for Data Perceptualization Information Technology at Purdue. Dr. Madhavan is also the Educational Technology Director for the NSF- funded Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN). He serves as the Curriculum Director for the Supercomputing 2005 Education Program and is also the Chair for the Supercomputing 2006 Education Program. Dr. Madhavan also spearheads the Zecosystem project at Purdue University. He serves on the Editorial Board of several internationally renowned journals in the area of e-learning.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Krishna Madhavan (2005), "Embedding science and technology education into students' lifestyles and technology choices," https://nanohub.org/resources/831.

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Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
