Writing Modern Technical English

By James T. Keating

Purdue University


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    Ruihan Chen

    4.0 out of 5 stars

    As a non-native speaker, I find this lecture very useful. First, the speaker pointed out that we should alsways try to condense our English. Then he talked about some common mistakes we may encounter. I didn't know or notice many of them before. For example, we should avoid idioms and avoid using “one” as a pronoun. He also provided some general ideas in using English. I like his idea that you are writing for yourself, you are writing for the reader. The question part is also interesting. The speaeker and the audience shared some funny stories.

    Most of the time the speaker was reading the slides, which makes the lecture somewhat tedious. Anyway, this video is informative and helpful.

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    Rajiv Mittal

    4.0 out of 5 stars

    I found this seminar to be very useful and interesting. The speaker begins by mentioning that when writing in English, the writer should minimize the use of words wherever possible that is try to write succinctly. He also mentions that there are some words which most of us unknowingly use it repeatedly for example: particularly, hopefully, etc and it should be avoided. I cannot agree more with the speaker where he highlights how important it is for everyone to clearly communicate their ideas to the reader.

    I always thought using idioms in your sentences is a good practice but then I was convinced with the speaker's idea about avoiding using idioms as they can be difficult to explain or may become too abstract for practical application. The speaker gives good examples to illustrate that we should stick to using standard English as it is far less likely to be misunderstood. Another key idea the speaker presents is while writing technical papers, we are free to choose any tense of verbs but it is very important to be 'consistent' with it. Throughout the seminar, the speaker gives many useful tips to improvise our English writing skills. For instance, the writer should avoid using 'one' as a pronoun; maintain consistency with words, and avoid negative statements.

    I liked the conclusion where he highlights that we should express simplicity in writing and avoid unnecessarily long words. This seminar was very insightful and will surely help the audience to improve their English writing skills.

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    Zixuan Li

    3.0 out of 5 stars

    The content overall is interesting and comprehensive. The presenter mentions many techniques and general ideas about writing modern and academic English. The reason for the 3-star score is that I think the presenter talks too much about the concepts and theoretic things, which make the lecture a little bit unattractive and less practical.

    As a non-native English speaker, Mr. Keating emphasizes style and usage, covering several difficult issues that English as second writers often encounter. I like all the details and examples. But some theories like inconsistencies, simplicity, clarity, ambiguity, idioms, overstatement, and rhythm, would sort of making me headaches.

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    Luis Guillermo Gerling Sarabia

    2.0 out of 5 stars

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    Joseph M. Cychosz

    5.0 out of 5 stars

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