ME 597 Lecture 7: Interaction Forces I

By Arvind Raman

Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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From interatomic and intermolecular forces to tip-sample interaction forces.


Related Reading:
J. Israelachvilli, “Intermolecular and surface forces,” Elsevier Science, 2010, 3rd ed.
H. J.Butt,B. Cappella, M. Kappl, “Force measurements with the atomic force microscope: technique, interpretation and applications” Surface Science Reports, Vol. 59 (1-6), 1-152, 2005.
K. L. Johnson, “Contact Mechanics”, Cambridge University Press, 1985.

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  • Arvind Raman (2010), "ME 597 Lecture 7: Interaction Forces I,"

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