Challenges and Strategies for High End Computing

By Katherine A. Yelick

University of California - Berkeley

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This presentation was one of 13 presentations in the one-day forum, "Excellence in Computer Simulation," which brought together a broad set of experts to reflect on the future of computational science and engineering.


Kathrine A. Yelick Katherine Yelick is a Professor in the EECS Department at the University of California at Berkeley and head of the Future Technologies Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her research in high performance computing addresses parallel programming languages, compiler analyses for explicitly parallel code, and optimization techniques for communication systems and memory systems. Much of her work has addressed the problems of programming irregular applications on parallel machines. Her projects include the Split-C, Titanium, and UPC parallel languages, the IRAM and ISTORE systems, and the Sparsity code generation system. She currently leads the Future Technologies group at LBNL and co-leads the Titanium and Bebop (Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization) teams at the University of California, Berkeley. She is the director of the Berkeley Institute for Performance Studies, a collaborative project between UC Berkeley and LBNL.

She received her Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she worked on parallel programming methods and automatic theorem proving. She won the Geroge M. Sprowls Award for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation at MIT and has received teaching awards from the EECS Departments at both MIT and Berkeley.

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  • Katherine A. Yelick (2007), "Challenges and Strategies for High End Computing,"

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