Computational Mathematics: Role, Impact, Challenges

By Juan C. Meza

University of California, Merced

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This presentation was one of 13 presentations in the one-day forum, "Excellence in Computer Simulation," which brought together a broad set of experts to reflect on the future of computational science and engineering.


Juan C. Meza Dr. Meza is head of the High Performance Computing Research Department, Dr. Meza oversees work in computational science and mathematics, computer science and future technologies, scientific data management, visualization, numerical algorithms and application development. He is responsible for developing short- and long-term research and development plans and proposing new technology directions. His current research interests include nonlinear optimization with an emphasis on methods for parallel computing. He has also worked on various scientific and engineering applications including scalable methods for nanoscience , power grid reliability, molecular conformation problems, optimal design of chemical vapor deposition furnaces, and semiconductor device modeling.

Prior to joining Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Dr. Meza held the position of Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories and served as the manager of the Computational Sciences and Mathematics Research department. In this capacity, he acted as the Research Foundation Network Research program manager, the ASCI Problem Solving Environment Advanced Software Development Environment program manager and served as a member of the Sandia California site Research Council.

Dr. Meza has served on numerous external committees including, the Department of Energy's Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee, NPACI's External Advisory Committee, MSRI's Human Resources Advisory Committe and the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications Board of Governors. In 2006, he was also appointed to the SIAM Board of Trustees.

Dr. Meza holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computational Mathematics from Rice University. He also holds M.S. and B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering (cum laude) from Rice University. A complete CV can be found here as well as a short biography.

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  • Juan C. Meza (2007), "Computational Mathematics: Role, Impact, Challenges,"

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