A Guided Tour of Interactive Jupyter Notebooks Powered by nanoHUB

By Daniel Mejia

Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Run MATLAB In this presentation, we will take you on a guided tour of interactive Jupyter Notebooks powered by nanoHUB. Jupyter is a powerful tool for data science and scientific computing that provides an intuitive interface for a variety of programming languages; Jupyter in nanoHUB provides even more features.

The goals of this webinar are to help you gain a better understanding of Jupyter notebooks, learn how to use them on nanoHUB, and show you how to find and use libraries for data analysis and visualization. This webinar will provide an introduction to fundamental Jupyter Notebook concepts such as kernels, cells, and widgets and highlight key features of nanoHUB notebooks, including cell locking and variable inspection. Through this hands-on demonstration, we will show you how to develop code, write reports, perform data analysis, create visualizations, and build graphical user interfaces. We will also explore the nanohub-uidl library, demonstrating how to use Jupyter widgets and create custom ones.

Jupyter Examples - Jupyter Notebook (202105)


Daniel Mejia received his bachelor degree on Systems and Computer Engineering from the Universidad de los Andes at Bogotá-Colombia in 2002, and his master degree on Engineering from the same University in 2004, He began his doctoral studies in 2004 in the fields of virtual reality, human-machine interaction, and graphical programming. He received his PhD. in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Purdue in 2018, his main research was focused on visual analytics. He also worked as a lecturer at the Universidad de los Andes from 2004-2009, he has been instrumental in the development of Nemo5 and nanoHUB.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Daniel Mejia (2023), "A Guided Tour of Interactive Jupyter Notebooks Powered by nanoHUB," https://nanohub.org/resources/36900.

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