Overview of Network for Computational Nanotechnology Nanomanufacturing Node and Gr-ResQ

By Elif Ertekin1; The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center2

1. Mechanical Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 2. Pasadena City College, Pasadena ,CA

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This presentation will overview of the work of nanoMFG – the Nanomanufacturing Node at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of California, Berkeley. The nanoMFG node is a cyberinfrastructure effort of the Network for Computational Nanotechnology. The node adopts a comprehensive approach to assembling, developing, and implementing advanced cyberinfrastructure tools for research, education, and industrial deployment of integrated, nanoscale manufacturing processes and systems. The tools deployed target the needs of the nanomanufacturing community, while addressing the challenges of integrating data and models from multiple dimensional scales. We will highlight the node’s tools and cyberinfrastructure, available on the NCN Cyberplatform (nanoHUB), that connect nanomanufacturing researchers from academia and industry to share resources, data, and knowledge.

The presentation will conclude with an overview of the Gr-ResQ (‘graphene rescue’) platform. Gr-ResQ is (i) an open, crowd-sourced database of recipes and characterization of graphene synthesized by chemical vapor deposition, (ii) a set of analysis tools that enable users to analyze the database, and (iii) an online cyber-physical manufacturing network that provides access to distributed CVD reactors in the form of online transactions. The purpose of Gr-ResQ is to enable wide-scale sharing of data around CVD synthesis of graphene in order to advance community knowledge of the synthesis process. Gr-ResQ was developed in collaboration with the Materials Data Facility and with the Operating System for Cyberphysical Manufacturing. You may read more about Gr-ResQ here.

You can find the Gr-ResQ Tool here.

You can join the Gr-ResQ Group on nanoHUB.

Other resources including tutorials, exmple images, synthesis recipes and Raman spectra are available at: https://purdue.app.box.com/folder/129942904749?s=occq84muhaqizyy7nueg55viakd0e2ep


Elif Ertekin Elif Ertekin is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She currently the Director of the Nanomanufacturing Node, a node of the Network for Computational Nanotechnology that engages the nanomanufacturing community in the creation and design of software and simulations tools that can enable emerging nanomanufacturing processes. She received her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from UC Berkeley, and carried out post-doctoral work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has received the NSF CAREER Award, the TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow Award, the Emerging Leader Award from the Society of Women Engineers. She currently serves as the Director of Mechanics Programs in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Physics.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Elif Ertekin, The Micro Nano Technology - Education Center (2022), "Overview of Network for Computational Nanotechnology Nanomanufacturing Node and Gr-ResQ," https://nanohub.org/resources/36453.

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