
By Jessica Dupa1; Rice University2; NEWT Center3

1. Jones Future Academy, Houston, TX 2. , Houston, TX 3. NanoEnabled Water Treatment (NEWT) ERC


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    Vivek Vasantrao Wankhade

    4.0 out of 5 stars

    The video about photobleaching explained a tricky science thing in a simple way. It started by talking about light and its different kinds, like UV, visible, and infrared light. Then it explained how these lights affect stuff. Next, it talked about pigments, like melanin, and how they react to light. After that, it explained photobleaching, which is when something loses its color or brightness because of light. It was easy to understand and showed how this happens to colors when they get hit by light. It would've been even better if it showed more real-life examples. The explanation is not too fast and complicated and uses real world examples which makes it easy to understand a concept.


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