American-Made Solar Prize - Stable and Scalable Perovskite Solar Cells

By Letian Dou

Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Our work on halide perovskite solar cell stability and manufacturing is recognized by American-Made Solar Prize, a contest organized by Department of Energy and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The team is lead by Prof. Letian Dou, Prof. Brett Savoie and Prof. Jianguo Mei.

The American-Made Solar Prize is a competition with $3 million in total prizes designed to revitalize U.S. solar manufacturing through a series of contests and the development of a diverse and powerful support network that leverages National Laboratories, energy incubators, and other resources across the country.


Video prepared by Aidan Coffey

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  • Letian Dou (2022), "American-Made Solar Prize - Stable and Scalable Perovskite Solar Cells,"

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