ABACUS MOS Capacitors (Winter 2021)

By Gerhard Klimeck

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


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    Akshay Krishnakumar

    5.0 out of 5 stars

    It would be of great help if we could have a short introductory video link or a manual apart from this lecture. It would be of great help for people to read and do. However, the change in the low frequency to high frequency term is clearly explained. Can we get the deep depletion condition in the C-V response? Also is it possible to induce defects and see if the CV of low frequncy and high frequency change. This might help to understand the influence of defects. Also, the effect of band diagram simulation is greatly expalined with the simulation tool. Thanks.

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    1. Tanya Faltens

      Hi Akshay,

      The Schred manual has a nice treatment of MOS capacitors: https://nanohub.org/resources/4796.

      Let me know if this is what you are looking for.

      There are likely other resources in nanoHUB- you might try searching for the key words in the search bar or using tag search. If I come across other good resources that address your question, I'll add them here.

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