Getting Started with Jupyter Notebooks in nanoHUB

By Tanya Faltens

Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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These tutorials will introduce you to using Jupyter notebooks in nanoHUB and provide you with foundational information that will support learning coding and using more advanced Jupyter notebook tools and apps that are published in nanoHUB.

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  • Tanya Faltens (2021), "Getting Started with Jupyter Notebooks in nanoHUB,"

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In This Series

  1. Learning Python 3 using "Python for Everybody" with nanoHUB Jupyter Notebooks

    06 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Tanya Faltens

    This document provides instructions for setting up your nanoHUB file structure and using Jupyter notebooks in nanoHUB to go through the online course, "Python for Everybody".This course is free and readily available, but may not be what you are looking for.For a shorter tutorial...

  2. Setting up Your nanoHUB File Structure in Jupyter Notebooks

    17 Apr 2020 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Tanya Faltens

    This tutorial takes you through the steps to set up your nanoHUB file structure in Jupyter Notebooks.Be sure to get a copy of the pdf that accompanies the video instructions by clicking on the Supporting Docs tab for this resource.

  3. The Jupyter Dashboard, Notebook and Terminal Interfaces in nanoHUB

    06 Jul 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s): Tanya Faltens

    This document describes the functionalities and appearance of the Jupyter Dashboard, Notebook and Terminal interfaces in nanoHUB.

  4. Running a Python 3 Script in a nanoHUB Jupyter Notebook

    01 May 2020 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Tanya Faltens

    This tutorial will show you how to create and run Python 3 code in a Jupyter notebook, rather than creating and running a Python script. We are working along with Chapter 1.8 “Writing a program” in the Python for Everybody course. In this lesson they execute a Python script that...