Science Alternatives for K-12 Education - Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction Tools & Lessons

By Christina Crawford1; NEWT Center2

1. Rice University, Houston, TX 2. NanoEnabled Water Treatment (NEWT) ERC, Rice University, Houston, TX

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The goal of SAKE is to help K-12 teachers make engineering design accessible to students of all social-economic levels while social distancing measures are in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All tools and suggestions provided have been determined useful by K-12 educational leaders who directly work with students in large urban areas.

The suggestions and tools listed in this document can be used as a guide for developing science and engineering lessons. It should not be used as a final list of resources. Consider it a starting point for teachers to consider the variety of tools available to use in synchronous and asynchronous learning formats. In addition to the tips and tools described, the document also provides three examples of how the tools are used to create 5-E engineering and science lessons. It is our belief that no tool is a replacement for quality teaching and the technology should not be the focus of any lesson. However, the use of educational tools effectively can help enhance the learning process for students and teachers.


Carlye N. Flores, El Paso, Texas Socorro ISD, Being an educator allows me to engage students in a multitude of learning techniques to teach them the critical thinking and processing skills necessary to succeed in any class. By combining these techniques with real-world connections, I aim to help students become the global citizens the world demands them to be.

Carlton C. Colmenares, Katy, Texas, Katy ISD, I hope to cultivate within my students a deep interest in the natural world. Too often, they are unaware of the wonders that science brings due to limited access to the outdoors. I am successful when students observe, explore, and are not satisfied by just knowing--but are driven to understand why.

Ramon Benavides, El Paso, Ysleta ISD, Teaching and learning are interrelated and interdependent processes. They are fulfilled successfully via a joint effort between the teacher and their students. It is my responsibility to facilitate metacognition in all students to provoke and maintain their interest in science and empower them to own their education. I believe it is essential for students to interpret science as the concepts that help explain natural phenomena they experience in their life. Never as random book facts vocalized in a lecture.

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NEWT is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) award # EEC-1449500 Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Christina Crawford, NEWT Center (2020), "Science Alternatives for K-12 Education - Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction Tools & Lessons,"

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