Materials Matching Mixer Activity

By Amber Genau

University of Alabama at Birmingham

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This materials-themed ice breaker activity is great for the first day of a camp program to get students thinking about basic material properties, as well as talking to each other and speaking out loud in front of the group.  The name of a common engineering material (steel, rubber, concrete, etc.) is taped onto each participant's back.  The students then have to figure out which material they are and find the other person sporting the same material by questioning each other about the attributes of their material.


Dr. Amber Genau is a faculty member in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  She has been organizing the UAB Materials Camp for high school students since 2011.

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Support for Materials Camp at UAB comes from NSF CAREER #1554856 and the ASM Materials Education Foundation.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Amber Genau (2020), "Materials Matching Mixer Activity,"

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