Ring Polymers

By Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education1; Deb Newberry2; NISE Net3

1. Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education 2. Dakota County Technical College/Nano-Link: Center for Nanotechnology Education/Hysitron 3. The NISE Network, Museum of Science, Boston, MA

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This module is a variation on the “Cross-Linked Polymers” activity, and presents much of the same background on polymer structure and properties.  This version uses a form of sodium polyacrylate, the water-absorbing polymer often used in diapers, that has a different atomic structure than that of the cross-linked polymer.  This polymer captures liquid in a ring structure and is dependent upon the relationship between the forces of cohesion (the attraction between like molecules) and adhesion (the attraction between unlike molecules). This module can also be used for students to practice math skills by calculating the number of water molecules absorbed.

This resource contains multiple documents for download including a Teachers Guide and Presentation Slides. To view a list of all documents click on the Supporting Docs tab.

Disponible en Español: Polímeros de Anillo.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Deb Newberry, NISE Net (2020), "Ring Polymers," https://nanohub.org/resources/33168.

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Billie Copley

Dakota County Technical College/Nano-Link: Center for Nanotechnology Education
