BME 695N Lecture 10: Nanomaterials for core design

By James Leary

Purdue University

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  1. Introduction
    1. Core building blocks
    2. Functional cores
    3. Functionalizing the core surface
  2. Ferric oxide cores
    1. Paramagnetic cores
    2. Superparamagnetic cores
    3. Ferric nanorods
    4. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. C60 and carbon nanotubes
    1. Size and structure of C60
    2. Elongation of C60 into carbon nanotubes
    3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Gold cores
    1. Gold nanoparticles
    2. Gold nanorods
    3. Other shapes (e.g. "stars")
    4. Gold nanoshells
    5. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Silica cores
    1. Silica nanoparticles
    2. Advantages and disadvantages
  6. Hybrid materials
    1. Gold-ferrric oxide nanoparticles and nanorods
    2. Cobalt-Platinum magnetic nanoparticles


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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • James Leary (2007), "BME 695N Lecture 10: Nanomaterials for core design,"

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