
By Dr. Lisa Siedman1; Jeanette Mowery1; Kyle Forgette2; James J Marti3; Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education4

1. Bio-Link 2. Dakota County Technical College 3. Minnesota Nano Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 4. Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education, Dakota County Technical College, Rosemount, MN

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This module introduces micelles and the concept of critical micelle concentration (CMC). Micelles have important applications in biotechnology. Micelles are sometimes used to deliver drugs to their target in the body. Micelles are also sometimes used to deliver genes into plant cells in agricultural applications. This module, therefore, demonstrates an intersection between nanotechnology and biotechnology. The module includes a laboratory activity that uses a surfactant and dye to allow students to experiment with micelle formation.

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Disponible en Español: Micelas.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Dr. Lisa Siedman, Jeanette Mowery, Kyle Forgette, James J Marti, Nano-Link Center for Nanotechnology Education (2020), "Micelles," https://nanohub.org/resources/32463.

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Billie Copley

Dakota County Technical College/Nano-Link: Center for Nanotechnology Education
