Modeling Self Assembly Middle School Version

By Roquel Stanley; Angela Berenstein; NNCI Nano1

1. National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

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This is the middle school version of a more complex high school lesson. There are two activities in this lesson, the Fly Prison and the Water Maze.  The Fly Prison is a hands-on modeling activity designed to introduce students to the area of nanotechnology and give them a basic understanding of how researchers build very small devices by the self-assembly of molecules.  The water maze is a follow-up activity to give the students a chance to practice and demonstrate what they have learned.

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Roquel Stanley and Angela Berenstein

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NNIN at the University of Washington Site (Stanley) and UC Santa Barbara (Berenstein) NSF ECCS 0335765

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Roquel Stanley, Angela Berenstein, NNCI Nano (2020), "Modeling Self Assembly Middle School Version,"

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