PennyLane - Automatic Differentiation and Machine Learning of Quantum Computations

By Nathan Killoran

Xanadu Quantum Technologies, Toronto, ON, Canada

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PennyLane is a Python-based software framework for optimization and machine learning of quantum and hybrid quantum-classical computations. It extends the automatic differentiation algorithms common in machine learning to work with quantum and hybrid computations. The library provides a unified architecture for near-term quantum computing devices, integrating with leading software platforms such as Xanadu’s Strawberry Fields, IBM’s Qiskit, Rigetti’s Forest, Google’s TensorFlow, and Facebook’s PyTorch. PennyLane can be used for variational quantum eigensolvers, quantum approximate optimization, quantum machine learning models, and many other applications.


Nathan Kiloran Dr. Nathan Kiloran earned a Ph.D. in Physics from the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, and later served as a postdoc in Machine Learning at the University of Toronto. For the past two years, he has worked at the Toronto-based quantum computing startup Xanadu, leading their software and machine learning teams.

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  • Nathan Killoran (2020), "PennyLane - Automatic Differentiation and Machine Learning of Quantum Computations,"

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