Therapeutics BioMEMS Overview Learning Module - Instructor Guides

By Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME)

Southwest Center for Microsystems Education, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

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In the medical field, therapeutics is the process of caring for the patient in a comprehensive manner.  Therapeutics includes preventing disease as well as managing disease or disease specific problems. 

This learning module is an overview of BioMEMS that are currently being used or tested as therapeutic devices for patients. As an activity, you will study a particular therapeutic BioMEMS and develop a marketing brochure for doctors and patients.

This learning module contains the following:

  • Pre-Assessment (Knowledge Probe)
  • Reading: Therapeutic BioMEMS Overview
  • Presentation:  Therapeutic BioMEMS Overview (pptx)
  • Activity:  Marketing a Therapeutic BioMEMS
  • Post-Assessment

Instructors: Please create a nanoHUB account and then request SCME Group membership in order to obtain Instructor Guides and editable slides for your personal classroom use.

Student materials for this learning module are available here.



MJ Willis

Southwest Center for Microsystems Education, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
