HUBzero: A Platform for Scientific Research, Education, and Collaboration

By Michael McLennan

HUBzero Team, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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HUBzero® is an open source software platform used to build web sites for collaboration in an academic setting.  HUBzero supports data management, computation, and the natural synergy between education and research.  This talk gives an overview of the platform, showing how it works and how it has developed over time.  Michael McLennan describes the team at Purdue and some of the current projects that are adding new features to the platform.  He also discusses the role of the HUBzero Foundation in coordinating code contributions and promoting adoption of the software.

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HUBzero® is a registered trademark of the HUBzero Foundation, LLC.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Michael McLennan (2015), "HUBzero: A Platform for Scientific Research, Education, and Collaboration,"

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