Non-Local Inverse Spin Hall Effect Experiment

By Kerem Yunus Camsari1; Samiran Ganguly1

1. Purdue University



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The Modular Spintronics Library can be used to model a wide variety of devices and experimental structures. Here we present such an experimental structure that can be used to characterize the "Inverse Spin Hall Effect" and the "Spin Hall Angle" in various different materials.

Through a non-local experimental setup, pure spin currents are injected in a Spin Hall material and a DC voltage is developed across the material. The library can help in analyzing the structure by building a "spin-circuit" model of the setup and help characterize the hall angle.

For more details about the experiment please visit here.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kerem Yunus Camsari, Samiran Ganguly (2014), "Non-Local Inverse Spin Hall Effect Experiment,"

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