Non-Local RSO Datta-Das Spin Transistor

By Kerem Yunus Camsari1; Samiran Ganguly1

1. Purdue University



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Spin-orbit coupling phenomena in semiconductor materials constitute an important avenue for spintronics. The  "Rashba Effect" that   is commonly observed in III­‐V materials has been predicted as a possible way of manipulating spins to show transistor action, and has been subsequently demonstrated by experiments. These devices however require low temperatures and specialized laboratory conditions. Therefore, the future of semiconducting spin­‐orbit coupling in spintronics remains uncertain.

We present "Spin-Circuit" model of the Non-Local RSO Spin Transistor. The bundle contains the model in both MATLAB and SPICE. The model is built using he Modular Spintronics Library, which is a library of elemental spintronic modules that can be used to build similar spin-circuit models for a wide variety of devices and structures.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kerem Yunus Camsari, Samiran Ganguly (2014), "Non-Local RSO Datta-Das Spin Transistor,"

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