Quick Look at nanoHUB.org (2013)

By Michael McLennan

Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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This 3-min video shows how hundreds of thousands of people around the world interact online at nanoHUB.org for education and research in the field of nanotechnology. nanoHUB.org offers hundreds of simulation/modeling tools, thousands of seminars, and various other ways for people to share information and collaborate online. nanoHUB.org is powered by the award-winning HUBzero cyberinfrastructure platform. Take a quick look and see how it works.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Michael McLennan (2014), "Quick Look at nanoHUB.org (2013)," https://nanohub.org/resources/20199.

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