Introduction to MEAs - Soccer Ball MEA

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This is the MEA that we used as in introduction to "What are Model-Eliciting Activities (MEAs)". This is a good activity to complete in one class hour to get the class started in understanding problem scoping and modeling. Before completing this MEA, one should watch the MEA Video 1 that discusses modeling and MEAs. It may also be beneficial to watch MEA Video 2 before completing this; this video discusses problem scoping.
This includes three attachments: 1. the soccer ball MEA, 2. the shapes for the soccer ball MEA, and 3. a presentation for the soccer ball MEA and solutions.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Heidi A Diefes-Dux, Kelsey Joy Rodgers, Paul Branham, Krishna Madhavan (2013), "Introduction to MEAs - Soccer Ball MEA,"

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