The Secret Life of Electrons in High Temperature Superconductors

By Erica W. Carlson

Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Erica W. Carlson Erica W. Carlson is Professor of Physics at Purdue University. Prof. Carlson holds a BS in physics from California Institute of Technology, and completed a PhD in Physics at UCLA in 2000. After pursuing postdoctoral work at Boston University, she joined the faculty at Purdue in 2003. Prof. Carlson's research is in theoretical condened matter physics, focusing on the electronic properties of novel materials. Just as solid, liquid, and gas are different phases of matter, electrons inside of materials have their own phases of matter and phase transitions. Prof. Carlson uses theoretical techniques from statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics to explore new electronic phases of matter.

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  • Erica W. Carlson (2013), "The Secret Life of Electrons in High Temperature Superconductors,"

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238 Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN