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A library of elemental spintronic modules in three langauages, MATLAB, SPICE, Verilog-A.

These modules:

  • Have been carefully benchmarked against available theoretical simulations and/or experimental data.
  • Represent a multiphysics framework incorporating a wide range of physical models such as NEGF for quantum transport, Spin Diffusion eqn. for semiclassical transport, LLG eqn. for magnetization dynamics, etc.
  • Can be combined to build circuit models for compound models for larger and more complex structures which can then be simulated in SPICE like circuit simulators.

This library is an evolving entity where existing modules will be refined and new modules added as the field of spintronics develops. For more details about the library please see: Spintronics

Following is a list of examples that demonstrate how this library could be used to build spin-circuits for devices/structures:

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Kerem Yunus Camsari, Samiran Ganguly, Shehrin Sayed, Supriyo Datta (2013), "Modular Spintronics Library,"

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