ECE 695A Lecture 17R: Review Questions

By Muhammad Alam

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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Review Questions:

  1. What is wrong with using C-V measurement methods exclusively for NBTI and HCI degradation?
  2. Why do people like to use C-V techniques? What method would you use for HCI measurement?
  3. HCI does not relax. Why would you still want to use on-the-fly type methods? (Hint: Think about Drain temperature)
  4. How is it possible that dμ/μ is not universally negligible?
  5. What are DSO, PGU, SMU?
  6. Why are the defect capacitance and substrate capacitance occur in parallel? Would the same happen in Flash memory?
  7. Of the methods discussed, which one is Poisson-based and which one is based on continuity equation

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  • Muhammad Alam (2013), "ECE 695A Lecture 17R: Review Questions,"

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EE 226, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
