Nanophotonics (as taught in MIT 2.718/2.719: Photonic Materials, Fall 2012)

By Nick Fang

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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This course is intended to introduce recent advances in photonics science and technology to undergraduate and graduate students in engineering. The course consists of selected topics in fundamental science of nano-optics, with an overview of nanophotonic tools.

Graduate credit requires the completion of additional/different homework assignments and or projects.

Brief syllabus

- Introduction, review of wave equations (1 week)
- Theoretical foundation of photonics, wave guides and cavities (2 weeks)
- Geometrical Optics(1 week)
- Light emission and optical interaction with materials (1 week)
- Plasmonics and metamaterials (1 week)
- Experimental tools: Nanoscale Optical Microscopy and probes (1 week)
- Forces in confined optical fields, Optomechanics (2 weeks)
- Fluctuation Induced Interactions (1 week)
- Recent advancements, transformation optics etc


– "Elements of photonics," Vol 2 by Keigo Iizuka (Wiley)

– "Waves and fields in optoelectronics" by H. A. Haus

- "Plasmonics: Fundamentals and Applications", by Stefan Maier, Springer-Verlag, 2007




- "Principles of Nano-Optics", 2nd Edition, by Lucas Novotny and Bert Hecht, Cambridge University Press, 2012.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Nick Fang (2013), "Nanophotonics (as taught in MIT 2.718/2.719: Photonic Materials, Fall 2012),"

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