[Illinois] Nano EP Seminar Series: Thin-Film Nanocalorimetry of Lamellar Silver Alkanethiolate Crystals

By Lito de la Rama

Graduate Student, Material Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urban, IL

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"Thin-Film Nanocalorimetry of Lamellar Silver Alkanethiolate Crystals"
Materials exhibit unique thermodynamic properties at the nanoscale.The study of size-dependent phenomena is critical in our understanding of nanoscale systems.We have developed an ultra-sensitive, fast-scanning thin film nanocalorimetry device to study the melting behavior of metal nanoparticles, reactions in metal thin films (NiSi and AuSi) and phase transition in thin polymer films.In this talk, I will discuss the size-dependent melting behavior of self-assembled layered lamellar crystals of silver alkanethiolates (AgSR). A new synthesis method allowed us to control the number of layers on the AgSR lamella. The melting point of AgSR depends on the thickness of the lamella. For single layer crystals, the melting point depends on the number of carbons on the alkanethiol.There is also a significant melting point depression between multilayer and single layer AgSR with discrete melting points dependent on the number of layers. These results highlight the importance of surface and interfacial free energies in the melting behavior of these layered lamella.


Lito de la Rama, Graduate Student with Prof. Leslie Allen, Dept. of Material Science and Engineering

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  • Lito de la Rama (2012), "[Illinois] Nano EP Seminar Series: Thin-Film Nanocalorimetry of Lamellar Silver Alkanethiolate Crystals," https://nanohub.org/resources/16000.

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William Edward Nixon, Obaid Sarvana, George Michael Daley, NanoBio Node

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
