VEDA First-time User Manual

By John Melcher1; Daniel Kiracofe2; Shuiqing Hu1; Steven Douglas Johnson1; Sudharsan Balasubramaniam1; Arvind Raman1

1. Purdue University 2. University of Cincinnati

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This document is intended to be a “quickstart” guide to get new users running their first simulations with VEDA, walking the user through two easy examples. After completing these simple examples, the user is referred to the comprehensive manual for a more detailed description and additional examples of increasing complexity.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • John Melcher, Daniel Kiracofe, Shuiqing Hu, Steven Douglas Johnson, Sudharsan Balasubramaniam, Arvind Raman (2012), "VEDA First-time User Manual,"

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