[Illinois] Tissue-like Electronic Interfaces to the Body

By John Rogers

Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL


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    Vivek Vasantrao Wankhade

    4.0 out of 5 stars

    In this seminar, John Roberts talks about cool things happening in medicine and technology. He explains how it's tricky to connect electronics with our bodies, but he's got some smart ideas using materials like polymers and carbon nanotubes. He talks about making sure these electronics fit well and work smoothly with our bodies. There's a part where he discusses how this could help our brains and hearts, which sounds pretty amazing for our health. Roberts is super excited about teaming up with others to make these gadgets easy to use. It's like he's showing us a sneak peek into a future where technology makes our healthcare better and keeps an eye on our well-being.


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