[Illinois] ECE 460 Optical Imaging Fall 2011 Lecture 12: Fourier Optics II

By Gabriel Popescu

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Scalar fields, geometrical optics, wave optics, Gaussian beams, Fourier optics, spatial and temporal coherence, microscopy, interference chromatic and geometric aberrations, Jones matrices, waveplates, electromagnetic fields, and electro-optic and acousto-optic effects. Laboratory covers numerical signal processing, spectroscopy, ray optics, diffraction, Fourier optics, microscopy, spatial coherence, temporal coherence, polarimetry, fiber optics, electro-optic modulation and acousto-optic modulation


Gabriel Popescu received the B.S. and M.S. in Physics from University of Bucharest, in 1995 and 1996, respectively. He obtained his M.S. in Optics in 1999 and the Ph.D. in Optics in 2002 from the School of Optics/ CREOL (now the College of Optics and Photonics), University of Central Florida. Dr. Popescu continued his training with the G. R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory at M.I.T., working as a postdoctoral associate. He joined UIUC in August 2007. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and holds a full faculty appointment with the Beckman Institute for Advance Science and Technology. He is also an affiliate faculty in the Bioengineering Department.

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  • Gabriel Popescu (2011), "[Illinois] ECE 460 Optical Imaging Fall 2011 Lecture 12: Fourier Optics II," https://nanohub.org/resources/12428.

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL


Javid Mohammed Ali, NanoBio Node

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
