A Physical Model for Non-Ohmic Shunt Conduction and Metastability in Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells

By Sourabh Dongaonkar1; Souvik Mahapatra2; Karthik Yogendra3; Muhammad Alam1

1. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2. Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India 3. Purdue University

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In this talk we develop a coherent physics based understanding of the shunt leakage problem in a-Si:H cells, and discuss its implications on cell and module level.


Sourabh Dongaonkar is with School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Karthik Y and Souvik Mahapatra are with Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India

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Dongaonkar S., Karthik Y, Mahapatra S., Alam M. A., "A Physical Model for Non-Ohmic Conduction and Metastability in Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells.", 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, 2011

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  • Sourabh Dongaonkar, Souvik Mahapatra, Karthik Yogendra, Muhammad Alam (2011), "A Physical Model for Non-Ohmic Shunt Conduction and Metastability in Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells," https://nanohub.org/resources/11841.

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37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle WA


A Physical Model for Non-Ohmic Shunt Conduction and Metastability in Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells
  • S Dongaonkar1, Karthik Y2, S Mahapatra2, and M A Alam1 1. S Dongaonkar1, Karthik Y2, S M… 0
  • Introduction 2. Introduction 27.3799991607666
  • A closer look at dark IV 3. A closer look at dark IV 125.65100288391113
  • Space-Charge-Limited Shunt 4. Space-Charge-Limited Shunt 331.46100044250488
  • Physical model for SCL shunt 5. Physical model for SCL shunt 450.201997756958
  • Predictions – Thickness Dependence 6. Predictions – Thickness Depe… 671.49199104309082
  • Predictions – Hole transport 7. Predictions – Hole transport 783.352991104126
  • Nonvolatile metastable switching 8. Nonvolatile metastable switchi… 918.50399208068848
  • Features of Switching Behavior 9. Features of Switching Behavior 1049.3539981842041
  • Switching Mechanism 10. Switching Mechanism 1136.2739963531494
  • Conclusions 11. Conclusions 1422.2739963531494
  • Acknowledgement 12. Acknowledgement 1550.5639896392822
  • References 13. References 1571.4539890289307