

A cloud object represents a collection of mesh points over which a <field> is defined.

Note: This format is deprecated. Use the <unstructured> subelement in the <mesh>.

<cloud id="m2d">
    <label>2D Mesh</label>
  <points>0.125130060187 0.0609215651922
0.908746186136 0.297150382445
0.206477749723 0.271539598364
0.766029706582 0.661278515431
<field id="f2d">
    <label>2D Field</label>

A cloud is nothing more than a shotgun blast of (x,y) points defining a mesh. The actual mesh is computed from the points by Delaunay triangularization. The <field> contains a <mesh> attribute with the name, which points to our cloud as the underlying mesh. Each value in the field corresponds to a point in the cloud. The first value is for the first point in the cloud, the second for the second point, and so forth.

<cloud id="m3d">
    <label>3D Mesh</label>
  <points>0.492078342704 0.360705828462 0.38285896293
0.710589967999 0.885592158365 0.147405638428
0.44656506155 0.418989469492 0.956013757715
0.723225916141 0.257972586554 0.745262220849

<field id="f3d">
    <label>3D Field</label>

A cloud can also be defined with (x,y,z) points, which are triangularized into a tetrahedra to form a 3D mesh. But other than that, the example is the same. The <field> contains a <mesh> that points to the mesh, and then defines values for each point in the mesh.

You can see working code in the zoo of examples in the cloud example or on the hub in the directory /apps/rappture/examples/zoo/cloud.

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Jun 15, 2013 12:16:47 AM