
Rappture Ruby API

Load the Rappture module

require "Rappture"

Create Rappture I/O object

rp =

path is a Ruby String containing the name of the XML driver file

Get input value

var = rp.get(path)

returns a Ruby String from the interface element path (a Ruby String); use var.to_f or var.to_i or rp.convert() to convert var to a numeric value

Convert value

var = rp.convert(fromVal, toUnits, showUnits)

fromVal is a Ruby String containing a numeric value and optional units, toUnits is a Ruby String containing the name of target units (e.g. "nm"), and showUnits is one of Rappture::UNITS_ON (in which case var is a Ruby String containing the converted numeric value and the new units) or Rappture::UNITS_OFF (in which case var is a Ruby Float, converted to the new units); raises a RuntimeError exception if conversion fails

Put output value

rp.put(path, value, append)

path is the output element name, value is the output value (a Ruby String, Float, or Fixnum), and append is one of Rappture::OVERWRITE or Rappture::APPEND; raises a RuntimeError exception if value is an invalid type

Progress message

rp.progress(percent, message)

percent is a Ruby Fixnum, message is a Ruby String giving the simulation status


var = rp.xml()

returns a Ruby String containing the XML of the rp object; raises a RuntimeError exception if the XML cannot be retrieved



writes the XML of the rp object to disk

Ruby programming references

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Feb 18, 2009 9:22:36 PM