
Installing Rappture on Linux Systems

The following are instructions describe how to install the precompiled binary packages of Rappture on Linux systems.

1. Download the tar file that is correct for your architecture.

For 32-bit Linux systems: rappture-Linux-i686-20130903.tar.gz (139MB)

For 64-bit Linux systems: rappture-Linux-x86_64-20130903.tar.gz (124MB)

2. Create the destination directory (for example /usr/local/rappture) where you would like Rappture installed:

mkdir /usr/local/rappture

3. Unpack the tar file into the destination directory:

tar -C /usr/local/rappture xvf <tarfile>

where <tarfile> is the name of the tar file that your downloaded in Step #1.

4. Edit the rappture.env file to indicate where you installed Rappture.

Edit the file bin/rappture.env in the destination directory.

vi /usr/local/rappture/bin/rappture.env

Change the exec_prefix variable to the location of the destination directory.


5. Try running rappture. First put the Rappture bin directory in your command path:

export PATH=/usr/local/rappture/bin:$PATH

Now, run one of the examples:

cd /usr/local/rappture/examples/app-fermi/tcl

This should bring up a simple Fermi function simulator, built with Rappture and Tcl!

Try another example:

cd ../../graph

This should bring up a simple graphing calculator, built with Rappture and Python!

If this fails

If you have problems with the binary package, you also can try building Rappture for you system. See the instructions here.

See Also

Installing on MacOSX

Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Jul 11, 2012 8:18:25 AM