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estabrak talib abdullah

subiects to study

if I like to study nanodevices and spintronic field what subjects should I be study first.

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3 Responses

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    Saumitra Raj Mehrotra

    Hi, You can follow the lecture series by Prof S Datta as a starting point.

    thanks Saumitra

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    Mohanad Zaki

    For NanoDevices/NanoElectronics: One has to go though basic semiconductor devices and physics. The lectures by Mark Lundstrom on NanoHub is relevant here, it at a level suitable for Electrical Engineers.

    For Spintronics: You need to look at superconductivity and Magnetism, there is lot more physics here than in nanodevices (though for a complete description of a nanodevice, there is a lot of quantum mechanics). So yes, knowing Quantum Mechanics is essential.

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      Richard White

      I would read articles

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        Tom Hanks

        I advise you to listen to lectures, this is what I have already advised you. Read short articles, they are absorbed faster. Order yourself a short material on the sites. For example, when I could not deal with something, I used to help me write my dissertation. You can order anything and they will write to you. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to try.

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    Joanne Newton

    In order to study nanodevices and spintronics, you should start by studying the basics of physics and chemistry, including topics such as quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials science. You should also become familiar with topics related to nanotechnologies, such as nanofabrication and nanoscale characterization. Additionally, you should learn about electronic devices and spintronic materials, including their properties and applications. Finally, you should become familiar with computer simulation techniques used in the field of nanotechnology. Takes a lot of time, but it's worth it 

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