Questions and Answers

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Nerea Lete

What does the "keep for later" button in the simulation window mean?

Does the simulation keep running even if it's closed? Or does it pause until you open it back from your profile?

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2 Responses

  1. 0 Dislike

    Tanya Faltens

    Good question!  I would also like to know that answer.

    Whether or not you use the "keep for later" button, the simulation should continue to run even after you close the window.  The simulation and results can be opened again from your nanoHUB dashboard for a while after the simulation has completed.  This amount of time may be around 3 days, but there can be some variability. 

    Separately from the "keep for later" button, you can "Save" simulation results by using the "hamburger" menu after the results are available.

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    Nerea Lete

    After running some simulations myself I finally realised that it will keep running unless you purposefully stop it. I noticed, however, that you have to access the simulation periodically (I assume once every 24 hours), or else it will stop on its own. This was relevant for my case since the simulation took several days to finish.

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