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Hadi Aghandeh

Can you solve this Error in MOSCNT matlab code?

I tried to run this code and faced following error. I looked in the codes and haven't found any reason for the error. 

Error using trapz (line 54)
X must be a vector.

Error in CNTCurrContinuity (line 19)
I_continu = (4*q^2/(2*pi*h_bar)).*trapz(myEE_new,Trraspr_new);

Error in MOSCNT_main (line 63)
I_continuity(:,ii_vg,ii_vd) = CNTCurrContinuity(myEE,Trraspr); %% determine
current continuity


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1 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Ahmed Salah Zaky

    Hi, I know it has been a very long time. Have you been able to solve it? I am facing the same problem. 

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