PhysiCell for tumor3D for ML

App to for the IU HuBMAP ML team

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Version 1.0 - published on 22 Nov 2021

doi:10.21981/6YXZ-KP68 cite this

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This app simulates a model of a 3-D tumor. The tumor grows in size and ultimately develops a necrotic

core (using the default parameters). The Plots tab displays only those cells that intersect the Z=0 plane

but does not plot either substrate field there. This model is a simplified version of the 3D cancer immune

project in PhysiCell. It does not include the attacking immune cells; hence, some of the User Params

are not relevant: immune_activation_time, etc.


The primary intent of the model is to allow the IU ML team on the HuBMAP project to generate training data.

Output data can be downloaded from the Plots tab.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Randy Heiland, Paul Macklin (2021), "PhysiCell for tumor3D for ML," (DOI: 10.21981/6YXZ-KP68).

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