PhysiCell for Kidney FTU

PhysiCell Model for the HuBMAP Kidney FTU

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Version 1.5 - published on 10 Dec 2021

doi:10.21981/8D0V-N991 cite this

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This model is for the kidney functional tissue unit (FTU) and is part of the HuBMAP project.


v1.3 improves the creation of the cells that fill the inner matrix compartment. In v1.0, we used a crude image fill technique, but now we actually use the SVG geometry and create cells using scanlines (just as we do for all the other cell types). Also, we increase the size (radius, volume) of the matrix cells, thereby reducing the overall number of cells in the model. 

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Randy Heiland, Paul Macklin (2021), "PhysiCell for Kidney FTU," (DOI: 10.21981/8D0V-N991).

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