Winter Interactive nanoBIO Workshop



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The Winter Interactive nanoBIO Workshop will walk students and researchers through how to understand a variety of biological problems using simulations based on cloud-based tools on nanoHUB or other easy to use platforms. Each session will include some background material to understand the nature of a problem followed by interactive simulations using straightforward apps that have been developed using extensive, high-quality models. This series will provide an introduction to biological simulation for students wishing to learn about how various problems can be solved, and it will introduce researchers to sections of powerful and multi-scale apps that are extendable to a large number of problems. No coding experience is required. Advance materials for preparation as well as follow-up options will be provided for each session. This series is being offered free of charge but will require registration.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • (2020), "Winter Interactive nanoBIO Workshop,"

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In This Workshop

  1. Understanding COVID-19 Infection, Immune Response, and Drug Therapy through Multiscale, Multicellular Modeling and Simulation

    Online Presentations | 10 Dec 2020 | Contributor(s): T.J. Sego

    This workshop presents an open-source Python- and XML-scripted multiscale modeling and simulation framework of an epithelial tissue infected by a virus, a simplified cellular immune response and viral and immune-induced tissue damage and shows how to use it to model basic patterns of infection...