How Dry am I? Exploring Biomimicry and Nanotechnology

By Elizabeth Davenport; Nancy Healy1; NNCI Nano2

1. NNIC Education and Outreach, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 2. National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

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Through a series of activities, students will explore superhydrophobic properties of materials. This inquiry based lesson leads them through activities that has them compare and contrast physical properties of superhydrophobic coated materials with uncoated materials. In the process they will learn what constitutes “superhydropobic” and surface tension.


Developed by the Georgia Institute of Technology NNIN RET Program

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This lesson was developed with support of the National Science Foundation--NNIN and the NNIN RET Program

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Elizabeth Davenport, Nancy Healy, NNCI Nano (2016), "How Dry am I? Exploring Biomimicry and Nanotechnology,"

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