Wish List - Tool pcpbt: Wish #24

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Gerhard Klimeck

check results against periodic potential lab

results need to be checked against the periodic potential lab to give the same dispersions and bands – see notes at the periodic potential lab. A summary of the comparison should be given in a small ppt presentation, or even animation.

The case to check is the following: Set the well to 6nm and barriers to 2 nm and compare against periodic potential lab. There one needs to change the effective mass to 0.067 and the well to 60Ang and 20Ang barriers. Also barrier heights need to be set to 0.4eV, energy above the barrier can be reduced to 0.5eV

Comments (1)

  1. Samarth Agarwal

    A comparison between the two tools has been made. We will be showing a supporting document shortly.

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