Tags: wavefunction formalism

Teaching Materials (1-3 of 3)

  1. OMEN Nanowire: solve the challenge

    05 Feb 2011 | Contributor(s):: SungGeun Kim

    This document includes a challenging problems for OMEN Nanowire users. It challenges users to establish a nanowire transistor structure such that it satisfy the ITRS 2010 requirements.

  2. OMEN Nanowire Homework Problems

    Teaching Materials | 24 Jan 2011 | Contributor(s):: SungGeun Kim

    OMEN Nanowire homework problems: anyone who has gone through the first-time user guide of OMEN Nanowire and done the examples in the guide should be able to run simulations in these homework problems and find the answers to them.

  3. OMEN Nanowire Test Problems

    Teaching Materials | 24 Jan 2011 | Contributor(s):: SungGeun Kim

    This test is for students who have gone through the OMEN Nanowire first-time user guide and other learning materials related to nanowire FETs.