Tags: Optimization

Online Presentations (1-4 of 4)

  1. Discrete Nonlinear Optimization: Modeling and Solutions via Novel Hardware and Decomposition Algorithms

    Online Presentations | 07 Feb 2024 | Contributor(s):: David E. Bernal Neira

    Optimization problems arise in different areas of Logistics, Manufacturing, Process Systems Engineering (PSE), and Energy Systems Engineering, and solving these problems efficiently is essential for addressing important industrial applications.Quantum computers have the potential to efficiently...

  2. Batch Reification Fusion Optimization (BAREFOOT) Framework

    Online Presentations | 09 Jun 2021 | Contributor(s):: Richard Couperthwaite

    This tutorial will present the fundamentals of multi-fidelity fusion as well as Sequential and Batch Bayesian Optimization as possible optimization approaches that can be integrated with high accuracy computational models or experimental procedures to speed up the optimization or design of...

  3. A Distributed Algorithm for Computing a Common Fixed Point of a Family of Paracontractions

    Online Presentations | 21 Jun 2017 | Contributor(s):: A. Stephen Morse

    In this talk a distributed algorithm is described for finding a common fixed point of a family of m paracontractions assuming that such a common fixed point exists. The common fixed point is simultaneously computed by m agents assuming each agent knows only paracontraction, the current estimates...

  4. Nanoelectronic Modeling Lecture 40: Performance Limitations of Graphene Nanoribbon Tunneling FETS due to Line Edge Roughness

    Online Presentations | 05 Aug 2010 | Contributor(s):: Gerhard Klimeck, Mathieu Luisier

    This presentation the effects of line edge roughness on graphene nano ribbon (GNR) transitors..Learning Objectives:GNR TFET Simulation pz Tight-Binding Orbital Model 3D Schrödinger-Poisson Solver Device Simulation Structure Optimization (Doping, Lg, VDD) LER => Localized Band Gap States LER =>...