Tags: Monte Carlo


Monte Carlo methods are a class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to compute their results. Monte Carlo methods are often used in simulating physical and mathematical systems. Because of their reliance on repeated computation of random or pseudo-random numbers, these methods are most suited to calculation by a computer and tend to be used when it is unfeasible or impossible to compute an exact result with a deterministic algorithm.

Learn more about quantum dots from the many resources on this site, listed below. More information on Monte Carlo method can be found here.

Tools (21-23 of 23)

  1. Illinois Tools: MOCA

    Tools | 28 Mar 2007 | Contributor(s):: Mohamed Mohamed, Umberto Ravaioli, Nahil Sobh, derrick kearney, Kyeong-hyun Park

    2D Full-band Monte Carlo (MOCA) Simulation for SOI-Based Device Structures

  2. QuaMC2D

    Tools | 13 Mar 2006 | Contributor(s):: Shaikh S. Ahmed, Dragica Vasileska

    Quantum-corrected Monte-Carlo electron transport simulator for two-dimensional MOSFET devices.

  3. demons

    Tools | 31 Oct 2006 | Contributor(s):: M. E. Klausmeier-Brown, C. M. Maziar, Paul Dodd, M. A. Stettler, Xufeng Wang, Gerhard Klimeck

    Improved program consists of DEMON and SDEMON